Perna, L.W., Wright-Kim, J., & Leigh, E.
(2021, March).
Will college promise programs improve or reduce equity? Understanding the contextual conditions that influence implementation.
Education Policy Analysis Archives, 29(26). This article is part of the special issue, Policy Implementation as an Instrument to Achieve Educational Equity in the Community College Context, guest edited by Eric R. Felix, H. Kenny Nienhusser, Ángel Gonzalez, Luz Burgos-López.
Cahalan, M., Perna, L.W., Yamashita, M., Wright, J., & Santillan, S.
(2018, May).
Indicators of higher education equity in the United States: An historic trend report.
Washington, DC: The Pell Institute of the Council for Opportunity in Education and the Alliance for Higher Education and Democracy.
Cahalan, M., Perna, L.W., Yamashita, M., Ruiz, R., & Franklin, K.
(2017, April).
Indicators of higher education equity in the United States: An historic trend report.
Washington, DC: The Pell Institute of the Council for Opportunity in Education and the Alliance for Higher Education and Democracy..
(2016, February).
Technology: The Solution to Higher Education’s Pressing Problems?.
Perna, L. W., & Ruiz, R. (2016). Technology: The Solution to Higher Education’s Pressing Problems?. In M. B. Bastedo, P.G. Altbach & P.J. Gumport (Eds.), American Higher Education in the Twenty-First Century: Social, Political, and Economic Challenges (4th ed.). Johns Hopkins University Press.
Perna, Laura W.
(2016, January 15).
Connecting Research and State Policy: Implications for Academic Researchers and Intermediary Organizations.
With the goal of identifying ways to improve connections between academic research and policy- making, Lumina Foundation convened a small group of academic researchers and leaders of intermediary organizations. From this convening came a number of recommendations. These recommendations are designed for academic researchers and the leadership of intermediary organizations who share the goal of improving postsecondary attainment in the United States. This brief summarizes these recommendations. .
Perna, L.W.
(2016, January).
Sexual Violence on Campus .
(What's AHEAD: Key Trends in Higher Education No. 8). Philadelphia, PA: Alliance for Higher Education and Democracy, Graduate School of Education, University of Pennsylvania.
Perna, L.W., Orosz, K., Jumakulov, Z., Kishtentayeva, M., & Ashirbekov, A.
(2015, February).
Understanding the programmatic and contextual forces that influence participation in a government-sponsored student mobility program.
Higher Education, 69, 173-188.
Perna, L.W., Ruby, A., Boruch, R., Wang, N., Scull, J., Ahmad, S., & Evans, C.
(2014, December).
Moving through MOOCs: Understanding the progression of users in MOOCs.
Educational Researcher, 43, 421-432.
Perna, L.W.
(2014, December).
Reflections on Tinto’s South African lectures.
Journal of Student Affairs in Africa, 2(2), 29-38.
Perna, L. W., Ruby, A., Boruch, R., Wang, N., Scull, J., Ahmad, S., & Evans, C.
(2014, May 5).
"Sequential flow".
Excerpt from unpublished manuscript, Life cycle of a million MOOC users..
Policy Briefs
Perna, L. W.
(2014, April).
How close are we to the college degree completion goal? Current trends and future projections.
Invited Division J (Postsecondary Education) Vice Presidential Session, American Educational Research Association, Philadelphia, PA.
Perna, L.W.
(2014, April).
What might we learn from research about traditional colleges and universities.
Invited presentation for Developing a research agenda: Tax-paying colleges and universities/For-profit higher education, hosted by University of Southern California Center for Higher Education and the DeVry Education Group.
Perna, L. W.
(2014, March).
Promoting college access and success for all students.
Keynote address to the 75th Annual Conference of Louisiana Colleges and Universities, Baton Rouge, LA.
Perna, L. W.
(2014, March).
Insider’s look at trends in higher education for graduate students.
Invited presentation for the Graduate School and Office of Career Services, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ.
Perna, L. W.
(2014, March).
Promoting college access and success for all students: The promise of new technology.
Invited presentation for Penn Alumni Retreat, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA.
Perna, L. W.
(2014, March).
Improving college access for all students.
Invited plenary for the West Virginia Higher Education Commission “Leading the Way Compact Forum,” Charleston, WV.
Perna, L. W.
(2014, March).
MOOCs: Education’s holy grail or the great illusion?.
Seminar for the 25th International Conference on College Teaching and Learning, Jacksonville, FL.
Perna, L. W., Orosz, K., Gopaul, B., Jumakulov, Z., Ashirbekov, A., & Kishkentayeva, M.
(2014, March).
Promoting human capital development: A typology of international scholarship programs in higher education..
Educational Researcher, 43(2), 63-73.
Perna, L. W.
(2014, January).
How do students make decisions about attending college? .
Invited presentation to the White House Education Datapoolaza, Washington, DC.
Perna, L.W., & Ruby, A.
(2013, December 5).
Life cycle of a million MOOC users.
MOOC Research Initiative, Arlington, Texas.
Perna, L. W., Orosz, K., Gopaul, B., Kishkentayeva, M., Jumakulov, Z., & Ashirbeckov, A.
(2013, November).
Understanding participation in a government-sponsored student-mobility program in a transitioning nation.
Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education, St. Louis, MO.
Perna, L.W., Jumakulov, Z., & Orosz, K.
(2013, September).
The role of an international scholarship program in developing human capital in a nation with a transitioning economy.
Paper presented at the European Conference on Educational Research, Istanbul, Turkey.
Perna, L. W., Orosz, K., Gopaul, B., Ashirbekov, A., Jumakulov, Z., & Kishkentayeva, M.
(2013, September).
Promoting human capital development: A typology of international scholarship programs in higher education.
Paper presented at the European Conference on Educational Research, Istanbul, Turkey.