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Glossary of Terms

The following tables offer descriptive information on requirements and characteristics of College Promise criteria.



Type of Award Type of "promise" awarded to individuals who meet eligibility criteria
Financial Award Provides a monetary award
No loan policy  
Financial aid package that meets full financial aid without loans
College Savings Account  
Help with setting up a college savings plan
Dual enrollment When program provides college credit while in high school or funds to attend the local community college to take classes for credit
Admission Guarantee  
Guaranteed admission into a particular higher education institution
Transfer Guarantee Guaranteed transfer admission from a 2-year to 4-year higher education institution

Residency Requirement

Type of residency required to receive program benefits

City Reside in a particular city/town
College Service Area Reside in a college's service area/catchment area
County Reside in a particular county
N/A Not applicable - program does not have a residence requirement
Neighborhood Reside in a particular neighborhood 
School District Reside in a school district/catchment area
State Reside in particular state  
Unknown Determination cannot be made due to lack of information 

K-12 School Attendance Requirement

Type of K-12 attendance required to receive program benefits

City High School Attend any high school within a particular city's boundaries
College Service Area Attend any school in a college's service area/catchment
Attend any school in a particular county
County High School  
Attend any high school in a particular county
County Elementary School  
Attend any elementary school in a particular county
Elementary Attend a specific elementary school
N/A Not applicable -program does not have a school attendance requirement specifically
Promise Zone Attend a school within boundaries of a state or federally designated "promise zone"
School District Attend a school in a specified school district
Single High School  
Attend one specific high school
State High School  
Attend any high school in a particular state
State Middle School  
Attend any middle school in a particular state
Two or More High Schools Attend one of 2 or more high schools in a given district or area
Two or More Middle Schools & Single High School Attend one of 2 or more middle schools and specific high school in a given area
Unknown Determination cannot be made due to lack of information 

Financial Award is Limited to Students with Financial Need 

Yes Has income range/financial need requirement
No Does not use income as requirement for eligibility
Unknown Determination cannot be made due to lack of information 

Financial Award is Limited to Students who Meet Academic Achievement Requirements

Yes Has a GPA, test score, or other academic minimum requirement
No Does not factor in a GPA, test score, or other academic requirement
Unknown Determination cannot be made due to lack of information 

Year Requirement for Full Aid

Required number of years program specifies to receive program benefits

# The exact number of years that student must live in defined residency; when program prorates, this number represents the years needed to receive 100% of the award
Does not require Does not factor in certain number of years for award
Unknown Determination cannot be made due to lack of information 

Disbursement of Financial Aid

Approach to awarding a scholarship

First Dollar  
Provides specified amount regardless of other financial aid
Last Dollar Fills the gap between a particular cost (e.g., tuition) and other financial aid awards. Amount determined after financial aid from other sources is considered
Middle Dollar Like the last-dollar model, students in middle-dollar programs first receive the federal, state, and other funding for which they are eligible. Also, like last-dollar programs, students receive the difference between funding received from other sources and the amount promised by the program. A middle-dollar program differs from a last-dollar program in that additional financial assistance is granted to a subset of students based on criteria determined by the program.
No financial award Program does not give a financial award
Unknown Determination cannot be made due to lack of information 

Sponsored by Single Agency

Program is coordinated or funded primarily by one or multiple agencies

Yes Program has one main source of funding/sponsorship; sponsorship references to entities that also help administer program
No Program has multiple sources of funding/sponsorship
Unknown Determination cannot be made due to lack of information 

Program Offers Support Services

Program indicates providing support before, in, or after college

Yes Program provides support services beyond the scholarship/award
No  Program does not provide support services/makes no mention of supports along with award
Unknown Determination cannot be made due to lack of information