Palomar Promise +
The Palomar Promise + Program was established in 2017 for eligible graduates of San Marcos Unified School District (SMUSD.) Eligible full-time students can attend Palomar College receive a first dollar award of $1200/year for up two years. To be eligible, students must graduate from an SMUSD eligible school with a minimum 2.5 GPA, place into a transferable Math, English, and Reading course, be full-time students, and participate in supports prior to enrollment. The Palomar Promise+ is an extension of the Palomar Promise, but specific to SMUSD. Students are also eligible to apply to CSU San Marcos and participate in the San Marcos Promise upon completion of the program at Palomar College. The program is primarily funded by the Follett Higher Education Group, Inc. and the Palomar College Foundation which is supported by private donors, businesses, and organizations.